About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

My Travel Journal

"There isn't much I haven't shared with you along the road and through it all there'd always be tomorrow's episode" - Elton John

I started traveling around the world since early 80s when I had the opportunity to combine business trips with vacations. Then later when my rezeki is in abundance, there were numerous other trips along the way for vacations, most of the time with hubby and the kids when the timing is right. I have also started to compile the journal and photo-pages covering almost more than 45 years of world wide travel. Some destinations I visited just once, others many times. Many of those places are the obvious famous places people would like to visit but some, the casual traveler doesn't even think to try. I have placed links to my travel at the side bar of my personal page, My Life Reflections, and will be updating them from time to time.

My wish is to continue my travel and complete circumnavigate the globe, insyaAllah…

Saturday 14 September 2024

2024 - 16th Umrah Trip...

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience...” - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

(Bismillah... May Allah blessings be on us throughout our pilgrimage)

Date: 19 – 31 August 2024
Flight: 19/08/24 MH156 1450/1900 KUL-JED
31/08/24 MH159 2230/1310+1 MED-KUL

19 - 20/08/24 - Taif Platinum Park Hotel
20 - 25/08/24 - Makkah Pullman Zamzam
25 - 31/08/24 - Madinah Emaar Elite

Mutawwif: Ustaz Muhammad Ilyas bin Md Zin +6010 6679245

Umrah Menara Jam MKM Itinerary:
Day 01: KL – Jeddah – Taif
Day 02: Taif – Makkah
Day 03: Makkah – Tannaeim
Day 04: Makkah – Ja’aranah
Day 05: Makkah Free and Easy
Day 06: Makkah - Hudaibiah
Day 07: Makkah – Madinah
Day 08: Masjid Nabawi Tour
Day 09: Madinah Free and Easy
Day 10: Madinah City Tour
Day 11: Madinah Optional Tour
Day 12: Madinah Jannat al-Baqi
Day 13: Madinah – Kuala Lumpur

Next destination: Afghanistan Autumn Trip

Umrah Day 01: KL – Jeddah – Taif

“Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy, and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance...” - Elder Wisdom

(A typical spate of disruptions)

Day 01: 19/08/24 (Monday)
Route: KL – Jeddah – Taif
Hotel: Taif Platinum Park Hotel

By 6.30 am we loaded our luggage in Sara's car. Sara would be sending us to KLIA after she punched her card at JPA Putrajaya. She is yet to receive her official placement letter. From Putrajaya we detoured to have a scrumptious breakfast at Restoran Nasi Lemak Royale in Kota Warisan. It was still early when Sara dropped us at the KLIA departure hall.
(We were early!)

By 11.00 am the group gathered at Level 5 KLIA, for a briefing by KKM officers. Our Mutawwif for this trip was Ustaz Muhammad Ilyas bin Md Zin. After the briefings and beg tagging we proceeded for the check-in process. Our flight MH156 was delayed to 5.35 pm and passengers were provided with a RM35 meal voucher. We had Burger King set lunch at the Arrival Hall. We performed Zohor/Asar prayers before we boarded the plane. We watched movies in between naps on board the plane.
(A group photo of UMJ 119)
(At the departure hall)

We arrived safely at Jeddah King Abdul Aziz International Airport around 11.00 pm. Immigration and custom clearances were smooth. Once we claimed our luggage, we packed an overnight bag for our one-night stay in Taif as all the big luggage would stay in the bus. We boarded a comfortable 40-seater bus for our journey to Taif located about 180 km via Makkah - Jeddah Hwy that would normally take around two hours, with a stop for comfort break along the way.

We reached the city of Taif around 2.00 am and checked in Taif Platinum Park Hotel. After a refreshing shower and Isya'/Maghrib prayers, we tried to have a brief sleep before Fajar prayers.

(Our lodging in Taif)

Umrah Day 02: Taif – Makkah

“The unexamined life is not worth living...” - Socrates

(Masjid Abdullah Ibnu Abbas, Ta'if)

Day 02: 20/08/24 (Tuesday)
Route: Taif – Makkah
Hotel: Makkah Pullman Zamzam Hotel

We had a heavy Arabian buffet breakfast at the hotel.
(Arabian buffet breakfast)
(Heavy breakfast to last till lunch)

By 7.00 am all luggage were ready at the lobby. We checked out at 10.00 am and started our tour of Taif. Taif is a city in the Makkah Province of southwest Saudi Arabia. It is known for 20th-century Shubra Palace, a grand, white-walled building with latticework windows. The Taif Regional Museum exhibits artifacts from Islamic and pre-Islamic periods. In the west, King Fahad Garden has grassy lawns, restaurants and a lagoon. Just east is Taif National Park, with trees and a large dam.

(Scenes around Taif city)

Our first visit was Masjid Abdullah Ibnu al-Abbas where we performed Dhuha prayers and recited our doa. The mosque is named after Ibn Abbas, the youngest cousin of the prophet Muhammad. He was buried within the grounds of the mosque.

(The Abdullah bin Abbas Gate)
(Masjid Abdullah bin Abbas)
(Pillars in the main prayer hall)
(A row of the Quran in the prayer hall)
(A cup of vanilla ice-cream for the hot weather)

Next visit was at the Rose Factory in Ta'if. This is the same Rose Factory we visited during our Umrah trip in 2022.

(A visit to the Rose perfume distillers)
(Buying natural Rose oil products for souvenirs)

For this trip, the bus just passed Masjid Kuk, Masjid Al-Addas and Masjid Qantarah. We were lucky to have visited these historical mosques during our last two visits in Taif.

(Driving around historical sites of Taif)
(Masjid Qantarah along the route)

At noon we had lunch at one of the famous restaurants. Lunch was Nasi Arab Mandy Ayam and Kambing in a dulang shared by four people. We had refreshing pomegranate and lemon juice to complete the meal.

(One of the many Nasi Arab Mandy restaurants)
(Our lunch set for today)

By 2.30 pm we stopped at Masjid Qarnul Manazil for miqat for our first umrah where we performed solat ihram and niat for the umrah. Qarnul Manazil serves as a Miqat for the people of Najd and for those from cities such as Ta’if and Riyadh. It is also a Miqat for individuals travelling from Gulf Countries. Masjid al-Sayl al-Kabeer was constructed in 1982 and is situated just north of the al-Sayl al-Kabeer settlement. The mosque can accommodate approximately 3,000 worshippers.

(Our miqat from Taif)
(The main prayer area)
(The men in their ihram)

The journey from Taif to Makkah took us about 2 hours. By 5.15 pm we reached Makkah and checked in Makkah Pullman Zamzam Hotel. We performed solat Maghrib/Isya in the hotel room before we gathered at the lobby. Ustaz Iliyas led us to perform our tawaf and Saie for our fist umrah.

(First glimpse of the Clock Tower)
(The crowd at Mattaf area)

We had a late-night early morning dinner of roti canai and a very spicy beef curry at the Safwah Tower food court after a tiring and hungry umrah rites. We were back at our hotel by midnight for a good night sleep.

(Two friendly camels at Pullman Zamzam Hotel)

Umrah Day 03: Makkah – Tannaim - Makkah

“Living in the present moment creates the experience of eternity...” - Deepak Chopra

(A new gate of Masjidil Haram under construction)

Day 03: 21/08/24 (Wednesday)
Route: Makkah – Tannaim - Makkah
Hotel: Makkah Pullman Zamzam Hotel

After breakfast, we gathered at the hotel lobby at P11 for group ziarah around Masjid al-Haram led by Ustaz Ilyas. 

(A briefing at the start of the walking tour)
(Visiting historical places around Masjidil Haram)
(Cloudy sky and cool weather in the morning)

Places visited were Sumayyah's house site where the vacant area will not be disturbed. Sumayyah was the first Muslim woman to die as a martyr. She was speared by Abu Jahal. Saidina Omar al Khattab's residence site is at the foot of Jabal Umar mountain. Jabal Umar has now turned into a hotel called Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency and Jabal Omar Hilton Suites. The house of Abu Bakar RA situated near Makkah Towers On the fourth floor, a masjid stands now in the place of his former residence. He himself transformed the courtyard of his house into a mosque, where he openly prayed and recited the Quran.

Located in the southeast of Masjid Al-Haram, the house of Saiyadatina Khadijah is one of the most significant Islamic sites. It is the place where Prophet Muhammad spent 28 years of his life. Today, the residence of the Prophet's first wife serves as a school for those who wish to learn the Holy Quran. The site of Saiyadatina Khadijah's house is located near Bukit Marwah. The site where Prophet Muhammad was born in Macca. In 1953, the then rulers demolished the birth house of the prophet and built a library in 1953. Under pressure from key religious figures of the time, the Saudi government had levelled the house and other significant historical sites out of fear that people would make them a source of exaggerated veneration.

After a good rest, this afternoon we decided to perform the umrah on our own. Around 3.30 pm we went down to the lower basement of Zam Zam Tower to look for transport to Masjid Aisyah in Tannaim for miqat but the taxi cost was SR150 return fare which was very expensive. We decided to walk along the road next to Safwah Tower and managed to get a taxi that cost us only SR50 return trip to Tannaim. It was time for Asar prayer when we reached Masjid Aisyah. We performed Asar prayers, solat sunat ihram and niat for our second umrah.

(Masjid Aisyah in Tannaim)
(The main prayer hall of Masjid Aisyah)
Back at Masjidil Haram, we performed our Tawaf at the Mataf area which was not that crowded. Later we took the golf buggy for SR50/person to perform our Sa’ie. After we completed our umrah, it was just in time for Maghrib prayers which we performed at the Massa area. 

(A ride on a golf buggy for Saie)

It was raining very heavily when we walked back to our hotel. Tonight hubby had Brahim daging masak hitam and basmathi rice for dinner. I skipped dinner as I was full and too tired to eat. Tonight I slept early and rested well.

(Walking back to the hotel in the heavy rain)
(A replica of Gua Hira')

Umrah Day 04: Makkah – Ja’aranah - Makkah

“If you lose money you lose much, if you lose friends you lose more, if you lose faith you lose all...”- Eleanor Roosevelt

(A cloudy and misty morning at Jabal Rahmah)

Day 04: 22/08/24 (Thursday)
Route: Makkah – Ja’aranah - Makkah
Hotel: Makkah Pullman Zamzam Hotel

Breakfast was at Al Zahra Restaurant. It was a rushed breakfast because we had to board the 7.00 am bus for ziarah and later miqat at Masjid Al Ja’ranah for our third umrah.
(A good spread of food for breakfast
(Looking for souvenirs)
(On the bus for the half-day tour)

On the way to Ja'aranah, we had a tour of interesting and historical areas around Makkah. Our first stop was at Jabal Thur, a mountain about 4 km south of the Makkah. Jabal Thur is very synonymous with a cave known as Gua Thur where Prophet Muhammad and Saidina Abu Bakar had hidden while on his way out of Makkah to migrate to Madinah.
(A group photo at Jabal Thur)
(Pigeons flying over our heads)

Our next stop was at Jabal Rahmah. Based on Islamic history, it is believed that after being taken out of Jannah and placed back on Earth on Jabal Arafah where Prophet Adam and Hawa reunited. Jabal Arafah is known as “Mountain of Mercy.” It is also the place where Prophet Muhammad stood and delivered the Last Sermon, also known as Khutbah al-Wada, to his companions and all Muslim pilgrims who accompanied him on the Hajjat ul-Wada. After visiting Jabal Rahmah, the bus drove passed Mina, Muzdalifah and the three Jamrats.
(A group photo at Jabal Rahmah)
(Wet and misty weather)
(The crowd at the summit)

We reached Masjid Ja’ranah about 11.30 am. This mosque on the road to Taif is an important place for Muslims, especially those who are preparing for Hajj or Umrah. The Prophet Muhammad after the Battle of Hunaian, stopped at Masjid Jaanah and entered Ihram here before continuing to the holy city. That is why Masjid Jaaranah is a popular miqat area, especially for residents of Makkah.

(Miqat at Masjid Ja'aranah)
(The main prayer hall)

We were back late and missed solat Zohor berjemaah in Masjidil-haram. We had Lunch at the Food Court of ZamZam Tower. A Burger King meal and beef pilaf rice were a bit on the expensive side.
(The view from the food court)

Today we had to perform our Tawaf on the upper floor as the Mattaf area was fully packed. Half way we stopped for Maghrib prayers, then continued to complete the seven rounds of tawaf. We rode on the golf cart buggy for Saie. Isya' prayers was performed at the Massa area.
(Stopped for Maghrib prayers, halfway through our tawaf)
(Isya' prayers at the Massa area after performing the saie)

It was raining heavily when we left Masjid al-Haram. For dinner we had roti canai and beef curry at the Safwah Tower food court. The curry was super-hot and delicious.