About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

My Travel Journal

"There isn't much I haven't shared with you along the road and through it all there'd always be tomorrow's episode" - Elton John

I started traveling around the world since early 80s when I had the opportunity to combine business trips with vacations. Then later when my rezeki is in abundance, there were numerous other trips along the way for vacations, most of the time with hubby and the kids when the timing is right. I have also started to compile the journal and photo-pages covering almost more than 45 years of world wide travel. Some destinations I visited just once, others many times. Many of those places are the obvious famous places people would like to visit but some, the casual traveler doesn't even think to try. I have placed links to my travel at the side bar of my personal page, My Life Reflections, and will be updating them from time to time.

My wish is to continue my travel and complete circumnavigate the globe, insyaAllah…

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

1000 Corners Solo Ride 2014: Day 01 - Surat Thani

"One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day..."

Date: 6 Jun 2014
Route: KL - Surat Thani
Distance: 843 km

(KL - Surat Thani)
(Lunch stop in Changlun / Having slices of sweet pineapple by the road side)
(Pit stop for iced coffee at Amazon Cafe / Riding in the heavy rain)
(Ciggie stop for rider / A short rest for the KTM)
(Intermittent rain / Sunshine along the way)
(Heading towards Surat Thani / Stopped at O' Valley Hotel)
(A nice cozy hotel / Uniquely designed) 
(Spacious hotel room / Hotel restaurant serving Ala carte dishes)
(Soft drinks to quench our thirst / A delicious crispy fish dish)

1000 Corners Solo Ride 2014: Day 02 - Suphan Buri

"Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still..." - Chinese Proverbs

Date: 7 June 2014
Route: Surat Thani - Suphan Buri
Distance: 730 km

(Surat Thani - Suphan Buri)
(KTM early morning checks /  Tranquil hotel garden)
(A good hotel for family with kids / Cloudy cool morning ride)
(Watching out for road signages / Light traffic along the route)
(A big quiet rest area / A favorite coffee shop)
(Keeping to the main highways / light traffic)
(Lunch break at Mariam Restaurant in Cha'am / Delicious tomyam kung)
(Dark clouds looming in the horizon / The clouds are heavy with rain)
(Entering Petchaburi / More road signages)
(Beautiful cloudy sky / The sun is coming out)
(Beautiful country roads / Passing through paddy fields)
(The landmarks of Suphan Buri / The Clock and Suphan Tower) 
(Pricey Vaseed Tee City Hotel / Ready to roam the town)
(Suphan Buri night scenes / The Suphan Tower)

1000 Corners Solo Ride 2014: Day 03 - Mae Sot

"If you think education is expensive try ignorance..." - Derek Bok

Date: 8 June 2014
Route: Suphan Buri - Mae Sot
Distance: 411 km

(Suphan Buri - Mae Sot)
(Having heavy breakfast / Sunny day at the start of the journey)
(Less traffic along the route / Riding in peace)
(Clear blue sky / A good weather to ride)
(Signages to compliment the Garmin / Passing the town of Chai Nat)
(Nice view along the route / More road signages)
(A refreshing stop at Cafe Amazon / Refueling at PTT)
(Dark sky again / Intermittent drizzling)
(Taking the route towards Mae Sot / Myanmar border)
(Peaceful ride / No roadblocks)
(It is raining! / Riding cautiously on a wet slippery road)
(Passing through a few National Parks / Lonely rural road)
(A quiet, long and winding road / Riding with extra care)
(Sweeping curves and corners / A challenge to a lone cyclist)
(Empty road but beware of heavy vehicles / Lorries and commuter vans) 
(More winding curves / More National parks)
(A rest area with stalls selling fruits and tid-bits)
(More undulating sharp corners / Uphill and downhill curves)
(A scenic rest area half way to Mae Sot / Coffee stop)
(Picturesque view from the top / A cool fresh air)
(Meeting fellow biker from Sydney / Onward journey)
(Continuing riding towards Mae Sot)
(You have the road to yourself most of the time)
(Some road constructions / Hill resorts along the route)
(Entering Mae Sot / The largest hotel in town)
(Riding towards Myanmar border/Not far from Mae Sot town)
(Looking for a suitable hotel for the night / A hotel near town centre)
(Arissa Homes Hotel / A cheap clean hotel)
(Having a light lunch of bread and sambal tumis / Renting a tuk-tuk)
(Visiting the night market / And the Myanmar border)
(The map of Mae Sot / The Immigration Check Point)
(Taking a tour of Mae Sot / Visiting the grand mosque)