About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

My Travel Journal

"There isn't much I haven't shared with you along the road and through it all there'd always be tomorrow's episode" - Elton John

I started traveling around the world since early 80s when I had the opportunity to combine business trips with vacations. Then later when my rezeki is in abundance, there were numerous other trips along the way for vacations, most of the time with hubby and the kids when the timing is right. I have also started to compile the journal and photo-pages covering almost more than 45 years of world wide travel. Some destinations I visited just once, others many times. Many of those places are the obvious famous places people would like to visit but some, the casual traveler doesn't even think to try. I have placed links to my travel at the side bar of my personal page, My Life Reflections, and will be updating them from time to time.

My wish is to continue my travel and complete circumnavigate the globe, insyaAllah…

Monday, 18 April 2011

2011 10th Umrah: Makkah Al-Mukarramah

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on..." - Franklin D Roosevelt

Makkah al-Mukarramah
Al-Mohdar Diamond Hotel
(18 - 25 April 2011)

Monday - 18 April 2011
Madinah - Makkah

(Painting on the hotel wall)

After solat Zohor, we performed the Ziarah Wida' to bade good-bye to Rasullullah SAW with a promise to come again to this holy land. We started the 5-hour journey to Makkah in our ihram attire. The bus stopped at Bir Ali Mosque for miqat and we performed our solat sunat ihram and niat for our first Umrah. All along the journey we recited the doa and talbiah before we entered the holy city of Makkah.

(Miqat at Masjid Bir Ali)

We checked-in Al-Mohdar Diamond Hotel, situated just behind Hilton Makkah, a 10 minute walk to Masjidil-Harram. After a short rest, led by Ustaz Halim, we performed the Tawaf dan Sa'ei and completed our 1st Umrah by midnight.

(Performing the tawaf at night)
(Clean shaven after 1st Umrah)

Tuesday - 19 April 2011
Makkah - Tannaim

After breakfast we took a taxi to Tannaim for miqat and performed our 2nd Umrah. The rest of the day was spent in the room resting and performed the solats in Masjidil-Haram.

(Air-conditioned praying area)

Wednesday - 20 April 2011
Makkah - Tannaim

We went to Tannaim again today to miqat for our 3rd Umrah.

(One of the historical pillars in Masjidil-Haram)

Thursday - 21 April 2011
Makkah – Ja’ranah

(Saying prayers on Jabbal Rahmah at Padang Arafah)

We started early morning and the bus headed for Ja'ranah, which is 20 km away from Makkah to miqat. On the way we stopped at Jabal Thur, Jabal Nur, Jabal Rahmah at Padang Arafah, Mina and Mudzalifah.

(The 5-storey Jamrat and tents for Haj season)

We were amazed by the new developments especially the five storey Jamrah stone throwing (melontar) location.

(Miqat at Masjid Ja'aranah)

We completed our 4th Umrah before the Zuhur solat.

Friday - 22 April 2011
Makkah - Tannaim

(Building under construction on fire)

Today we took a taxi to Tannaim to miqat for our 5th Umrah. Since Friday was the weekend holiday in Saudi Arabia, Masjidil Haram was packed with worshippers hours before the noon Friday prayers. We elected to remain in Masjidil Haram till the completion of the Friday prayers.

Saturday - 23 April 2011
Makkah – Hudaibiah

(At the camel farm)

The whole group headed to Hudaibiah by bus after breakfast. Ustaz Halim narrated the history about the Treaty of Hudaibiah, between Muslims and the enemies. On the way we stopped at a camel farm to drink camel milk and bought a bottle to bring back to the hotel. We did not have the opportunity to meet the Melaka born imam of the Hudaibiah mosque.

(The ruins of old Masjid Hudaibiah)

After buying some trinkets, we went back to Makkah to complete our 6th Umrah before the Zuhur solat.

Sunday - 24 April 2011
Makkah – Jeddah

(Masjid Kisas in Jeddah)

Today is our last day in Makkah. We took a taxi to Tannaim to miqat for our 7th Umrah. After resting a while in the hotel room we went back to Masjidil-Haram to performed our Tawaf Wida' and recited our doa at the Multazam. We checked out after lunch and departed Makkah for Jeddah around 2.30 pm. We had a short city tour of Jeddah, passing maqam Siti Hawa, Masjid Qisas and Masjid Terapung (Masjid Siti Rahmah) at the Red Sea.

(Floating Masjid Siti Rahmah by the Red Sea)

By 5.00 pm we checked-in Jeddah International Airport and had packed dinner at the boarding lounge. The flight from Jeddah to Ammam was a little delayed so we had time to perform the solat jama’ Maghrib and Isyak.

Monday – 25 April 2011
Amman – Kuala Lumpur

The 2-hour flight reached Amman around 10.00 pm. We transited for 4 hours in Amman Airport before we boarded the flight back to Kuala Lumpur. We had some coffee to unsuccessfully help keep us awake while waiting for the flight.

The flight safely reached KLIA 7.30 pm after an hour stoppage in Bangkok. Alhamdulillah…

We are already planning for the next trip…..

(Fly away...)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

2011 10th Umrah: Madinah Al-Munawarah

"Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful..."

Madinah al-Munawarah
Elaf al-Taiyibah Hotel
(15 - 17 April 2011) 

Friday - 15 April 2011
Amman – Madinah

From the Syrian border our POTO group went direct for a Morrocan lunch at Tawaheen Al-Hawa situated in a suburb of Amman. After retrieving the rest of our luggage, we headed to Amman International Airport to catch the 7.15 pm onward flight to Jeddah.

The flight to Jeddah took 2 hours. After immigration and customs clearance, we were greeted by Ustaz Halim. He was our local guide and Mutawwif throughout our visit in Madinah and Makkah.

Saturday - 16 April 2011

We boarded the bus for a 5-hour journey to Madinah with one stop at Yaman Restaurant for supper. We reached Madinah and checked-in the Elaf At-Taiyibah Hotel just in time for solat Subuh at Masjid Nabawi.

(Hotel Elaf Al-Taiyibah at the background)

After breakfast we had time to rest in the room until prayer times. After solat Asar, lead by Ustaz Halim, the group went to visit historical places around Masjid Nabawi.

(Entrance to Maqam Rasulullah)

After solat Isya', the ladies were lead by an Ustazah to visit Maqam Rasullullah and Maqam Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Othman. At the Raudah, the gardens of Jannah, we recited the selawat and conveyed the salam from family members and friends and performed our solat sunat and recited our doas.

(Inside Masjid Nabawi)

Sunday - 17 April 2011

After a hearty breakfast we gathered at the lobby at 7.00 am for the ziarah around Madinah city and visited Masjid Quba’ the first mosque of the muslims, Masjid Qiblatain - the mosque where the qiblat was changed from Baitul-Muqaddis to Kaabah and passed by Masjid Tujuh.

(Masjid Quba')
(Masjid Qiblatain)

We visited Jabal Uhud and Maqam Saidina Hamzah and the Shuhada’ and recited doa for them. On the way back we stopped at Tamar Souk to buy dates and nuts.

(Jabal Uhud)
(Tamar Souk)

After ‘solat Asar, we gathered in the dining hall and recited the tahlil and listened to a short tazkirah by Ustaz Halim.

(Ice-cream kiosk)
(Cakes and donuts for Sara's birthday)

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Syria 2011: Damascus - City of Jasmin...

"Age is no importance unless you are a cheese..."

Wednesday - 13 April 2011
Hotel Saifer Al-Saidah Zainab, Damascus

We were quite nervous to cross into the Syrian border as the pro democracy protests were already widespread throughout the major cities, according to the news.

(Painting of Old Damshik)

We arrived at the Syrian border around Maghrib and we had a smooth group border check-in and drove safely into Damascus.

(Typical Syrian meal)

We had a late chicken rice dinner at Carthage Restaurant and later changed bus and headed to Saifer Al-Saidah Zainab Hotel situated in the Damascus Old City.

(The Saifer Al-Saidah Zainab Hotel, Damascus)

Thursday - 14 April 2011
Hotel Saifer Al-Saidah Zainab, Damascus

(The great Omayyad Mosque)
(The Saladin Mousoleum)

We had early breakfast but the day tour started a little late as one of our group had to be sent to hospital as he was having breathing difficulties.

(Maqam Saydina Hussein)
(Maqam Nabi Yahya)

For the day tour we visited famous Islamic historical sites including the 8th century Omayyad Mosque, one of the largest and most famous mosques in the world right in the heart of the medieval city of Damascus and situated next to the famous Al-Hamidiah souk.

(Maqam Zainab)
(Maqam Bilal)

Before entering the mosque, there was Saladin's Mausoleum built in 1193, set in a relaxing garden. We later proceeded inside the mosque to visit the Tomb of John the Baptist (Nabi Yahya) and a shrine of Sydina Hussein.

(Eating ice cream at the Al-Hamidiah Bazaar)
(Statue of Salahuddin at the entrace of the Citadel)

Other historical tombs and mausoleums visited were Maqam Zainab Ali, Maqam Bilal, Maqam Um-Salamah and Maqam Um-Habibah.

(Panoramic view of Damascus from Jabbal Qassioun)
(A full moon at Al-Kamal Restaurant)

After a hearty lunch at Old Damascus Restaurant and a round of shopping at Al-Hamadiah Souk, the bus ascended Mount Qassioun (Jebal Kasioun) for a beautiful panoramic view of Damascus while we enjoyed the beautiful scenic sunset.

Dinner was at Al-Kamal Restaurant in Damascus New City.

Friday - 15 April 2011
Syria - Jordan border crossing

(Roman ruins)
(Masjid Omar and graveyards)

We had breakfast and checked-out early. On the way to the Syrian border we stopped at Bosra to visit the ancient Roman amphitheatre and the surrounding historical sites and ruins, including the historical Masjid Omar.

(The Roman Amphiteater)
(A group photo)

We arrived at the Syrian border around 11.00 am for border checks.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Jordan 2011: Amman - Once called Philadelphia by the Greeks...

"Thank your past for all the lessons, and move on..."

Wednesday - 13 April 2011
Jordan - Syria border crossing

We had buffet lunch at the beautiful Amman Tourist Beach Restaurant by the Dead Sea.

(A beautiful beach at the Dead Sea)

The bus then drove through winding mountainous road to Maqam Nabi Shuaib and we performed our solat jama’ Zohor and ‘Asar there.

(Tomb and Mosque of Nabi Shuaib)

After repacking our overnight bags, we visited the Ashabul Kahfi Cave on the way to the Syrian border.

(The entrance to the Ashabul Kahfi Cave)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Palestine and Israel - 2011

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Forget what others think..."

Tuesday - 12 April 2011
KL – Amman

We joined POTO Travel for our Umrah trip and a chance to visit Palestine, Syria and Jordan at the same time. Sara and Fitri came with us to celebrate their First Anniversary.

The Royal Jordanian flight departed at 10.30pm on Monday, 11 April 2011. The 11-hour flight to Amman transited in Bangkok for an hour. We reached Amman at 6.00 am and were cleared through immigration and custom swiftly by our ground agent. A 40-seater bus took us to Jerusalem Hotel in Amman for breakfast and after a good breakfast, went to a place to store our luggage. We only brought an overnight bag each for our travel into Jerusalem, the 3rd most sacred city in Islam.

(At the Israel border)

Tuesday - 12 April 2011
National Hotel, Jurusalem

We went through group check-in at the Jordan border but at the Israel border, the entry process was a little thorough and we have to go through 5 check points. The process was tedious but swift and we were cleared within 2 hours. Our Jerusalem tourist guide Mr. Sharif met us on the Israel side and would be with us throughout our stay in Baitul-Muqaddis. Our first stop was at Temptation Restaurant in Jericho for a sumptuous buffet lunch. Jericho is claimed to be the lowest and oldest city in the world and also the home of the late Yaseer Arafat.

(In front of Temptation Restaurant, Jerico)

Around 4.00 pm we reached the National Hotel Jerusalem, situated a short walking distance from the Holy City. After a short rest and freshened up, led by the local guide we walked through the city streets and entered the Citadel through the Herod’s Gate to visit the two most important Muslim sites in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque..

(Palestine Citadel of the old Holy City)

The winding narrow streets and stairs of the old Holy City lead us to Masjid Al-Sakrah (The Dome of the Rock), the site where Rasullullah SAW miraculously traveled to Jerusalem by night and ascended to heaven (Isra’ Mi’raj). We performed our solat jama’ Zohor and ‘Asar under the sacred hanging rock.

(The Dome of the Rock)

We later visited Masjid Al-Aqsa, the original qiblat before it was changed to Makkah and performed the solat jama’ Maghrib and ‘Isya after listening to a short tazkirah by the Imam Sheikh Hussein.

(Masjid Al-Aqsa in the background)

The weather was chilly and windy when we walked back to the hotel and had our late buffer dinner at Al-Wattani Restaurant.

Wednesday - 13 April 2011
Jerusalem - Jordan

We checked out from the hotel at 7.45 am and stopped at the Mount of Olives for a panoramic view of Jerusalem and visited the Chapel of Ascension, a Christian and Muslim holy site believed to mark the place where Jesus ascended into heaven. We also visited the nearby tomb of Rabiatul Adawiah.

(Panoramic view of Jerusalem from Mt. of Olives)
(Chapel of Ascension)

After buying souvenirs and having photo shots of Jerusalem, we stopped to visit the tomb of Nabi Musa on the way to the Israel border and cleared border checks by 12.30 pm.

(Masjid and Tomb of Nabi Musa)

Networking with the right connections, our passports were unstamped by the Zionist regime. The professional manner our Malaysian and local guides managed the border crossings was very exemplary.

(Passport clearance at the Israel border)