"Dear Allah... thanks for this beautiful life and forgive me if sometimes it seems as if I don't love it enough..."
(Our luggage for the 12-day trip) |
Date: 15 - 27 April 2015
Travel Agent: Poto Travels
Hotel Elaf Taiyiba, Madinah
Hotel Al Saraya Al Mubaraka, Makkah
It is less than two weeks since our Kembara Borneo Biking trip. We have rested well and it's time for our spiritual journey to the holy lands.
We had initially book our Umrah/Oman trip with Andalusia Travels but to our disappointment the trip was cancelled last minute. We made a few calls to other travel agents and at last decided to join Poto Travels as they have a direct Umrah trip on the same scheduled dates.
We joined a group of 25 jemaah majority from Batu Pahat with Hakim as the Team Leader and Ustaz Hakam as our guide and Muttawif to lead the group performed our Umrah and ziarah rituals in the holy lands. The weather was hot and dry. At times it was unbearably hot combined with haze and sand storm. Both of us were down with flue and coughs throughout our stay but we managed to performed our Umrah almost daily and never missed to have our prayers in the mosque.
(Stunning hydraulic umbrella around Masjid Nabawi, Madinah) |
(Interesting murals on the wall at Jabal Uhud) |
(The passageway at Masjid Bir Ali, for miqat) |
(A group photo after completing our first umrah) |
(Quran reciting before the daily prayers) |
(Visiting Jabal Thur enroute to Ja'aranah) |
(Masjid Tannaim for miqat) |
(The museum of two holy mosques) |
(Jemaah from India performing the sa'ei) |
(In between Maghrib and Isya' prayers) |
(Performing the tawaf wida' before we leave Makkah) |
(Visiting the floating mosque in Jeddah) |