About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

My Travel Journal

"There isn't much I haven't shared with you along the road and through it all there'd always be tomorrow's episode" - Elton John

I started traveling around the world since early 80s when I had the opportunity to combine business trips with vacations. Then later when my rezeki is in abundance, there were numerous other trips along the way for vacations, most of the time with hubby and the kids when the timing is right. I have also started to compile the journal and photo-pages covering almost more than 45 years of world wide travel. Some destinations I visited just once, others many times. Many of those places are the obvious famous places people would like to visit but some, the casual traveler doesn't even think to try. I have placed links to my travel at the side bar of my personal page, My Life Reflections, and will be updating them from time to time.

My wish is to continue my travel and complete circumnavigate the globe, insyaAllah…

Sunday, 26 September 2004

UAE 2004: Dubai - The City of Gold...

"We don't always have to agree with one another but it's important that we learn to respect each other..."

(The Burj Al Arab)

September 26, 2004
City of Gold

Dubai is a city of contrast, where the old and new, traditional and modern blend to produce a fascinating and exciting place. A colorful mixture of people and cultures bring to the city a unique combination of influences.

(Our lodging at Nakheel Apartment)
(A cute mosque near our apartment)

Last night we had a good rest. This morning, with the help of the concierge we went to Meena Bazaar at Bur Dubai for a shopping spree. This area is noted as Dubai’s bargain area. The streets are lined with stores selling textile. Bought quite a variety of materials for everyone that we could think of. Even had some sent to the tailor to be collected before we go back to KL.

(One of the many shopping malls)
(Window shopping in the mall)
(A tent in the mall, booking our tour here)

Went to the nearby Al-Fahidi Fort, which houses the Dubai Museum. The museum displays colorful and evocative diodramas, complete with life-size figure, sound and light effects. Quite impressive. I had my hand henna-painted there.

(The Dubai Museum)
(Enlightening historic exhibits)
(The old fort surrounding the Museum)
(Showcasing Dubai's history)
(The Museum uses life-size diorama)
(A glimpse of everyday life in the olden days)
(Taking a peek at the notes)
(Exploring the rich history of old Dubai)

In the evening we joined the City tour. The route took us through the fascinating city where modern buildings tower over historical monuments and traditional dwellings. Stopped at the Gold Souk and bought two gold bracelets and a diamond ring.

(Taking a stroll around town)
(Egyptian statues decorating the building)
(Boat tours and cruises available)
(A walk along Dubai saltwater creek)
(Buying gold bracelets at the Gold Souk)

It was sunset when we reached the sandy beach of Jumeriah, and Jumeriah Mosque is beautiful by day and by night. Stopped for photo shots of Burj Al-Arab, the award-winning hotel that combines contemporary architecture with rich culture of the Middle East.The tour took 4 hours to complete and by the time we reached our apartment we were famished. Had briani dinner at Ghurair City Mall.

(A shopping mall along Jumeirah Street)
(Jumeirah Mosque, traditional Fatimid style)
(A stunning Burj Al Arab in the background)

Shopper’s Paradise

This morning we promised to meet my nephew Nor Azhar at Deira City Center at 10.30 a.m. He would be flying back to KL tomorrow evening. This would be his last flight with MAS. Effective October he will be joining the Etihad Airways, the new National Airline for UAE. Most probably Niza and their kids will be joining him in Abu Dhabi once he has settled accommodation and education arrangements.

(Purchasing loads of fabrics)
(My nephew, Captain Nor Azhar)

Nor brought us to Naif district where we met up with a few MAS crew members at one of their favorite restaurants. Together we went to Phulwani Textile shop and had a good bargain. The prices were reasonably cheap and the cloth materials ranged from cool printed cottons to exotic brocades. Fortunately shops closed at 12.30 noon and to open again at 4.00 p.m. If not, would need to buy extra bags for the excess baggage.

September 27, 2004
The Arabian adventures

(Flattening the tyres for good maneuvering)
(Watching the sunset in the desert)
(A beautiful sunset at the horizon)

Pick-up time for the Desert Safari was around 4.30 p.m. The vehicles used for the desert tour were Land Cruisers and driven by well-experienced drivers. Could feel the rush of adrenalin as our safari drivers took us on an hour-long ride amidst ever-shifting sand dunes. Compared to the desert in Mekkah and Madinah, desert in Dubai was more captivating and breathtaking.The ride ended atop the highest sand mountain where we had a wonderful view of the desert sun slowly sinking into the horizon. One could marvel eternally at the magnificent sunset.

(Riding the camel in the desert)
(Resting in the tent after the BBQ dinner)
(A round of Hookah session)

We continued our journey to the Bedouin campsite where we got a chance to ride the camel. Enjoyed a cup of hot tea as we waited for a sumptuous Arabian barbecue. Later, I tried another round of henna painting around the wrist, and he got himself tattooed too. While lounging on Persian rugs and cushions, we were entertained by a belly dancer moving to the rhythm of Arabic folk music.That night the moon was full. In the middle of the desert, one could feel moments of magic, an experience that would live forever in my memory.

September 28, 2004
End of Emirates Holidays

(Another addition to our luggage)
(Midget Cowboys and a giant Red Indian)

Waited for the tailor to deliver my Punjabi suits and his pants to the apartment. While waiting, had breakfast at Kudu restaurant at Ghurair City Mall. We checked out at 1 p.m. Took a cab to the airport, where we claimed a one-day refund from the travel agent and stored our baggage. From the airport took a cab to Meena Bazaar to collect another 2 tailored blouses from the textile shop. Later, at the Deira City Centre we bought another bag and while away our time window shopping.At the airport, bought us Armani perfume at a discount. Met some Malaysian transiting from Rabat. Our flight to KL was at 2.15 a.m.

September 29, 2004
Togetherness is Happiness

(Dubai International Airport)

The flight landed at KLIA around 4 p.m. Bought some chocolates for the kids. Passed by the customs easily with a wave. Told them that we just came back from Umrah, to justify the so many bags. Solat first before we took the ERL. Sara and Saufi were already waiting for us at KL Sentral. We were glad to be home. Glad that the 3 ikan kaloi were still alive and active. Glad that my Spectra and his Honda Shadow could start on a single attempt. We treated ourselves to a special dinner at Sri Thai. The tomyam and ikan siakap masak tiga rasa were so very delicious.

(Our luggage for 3 weeks)

(24-hr tailoring in Dubai)

We were tired but happy. And left the unpacking till tomorrow...

Monday, 20 September 2004

2004 7th Umrah: Madinah al-Munawarah

"Travel brings power and love back into your life..." - Rumi

Madinah al-Munawarah
(16 - 19 September 2004)
Hotel Andalus Plaza, Madinah

Thursday, September 16, 2004
KL - Dubai

We went to KL Sentral by cab and later took the ERL. Met Senator Ubai and her delegation. They were going to Turkey on an early morning flight. Promised to contact each other after our trips. We would be away for nearly 2 weeks. To the three kids, we messaged them before boarding. None were able to come. Sara was sitting for her exam today. Iwan, just came back to KL last week and Ja was in Kuantan. There were 12 in our group led by Haji Husni. He was with TH Travels before. Had dealt with him several times for our previous Umrah packages.

(On the ERL to KLIA)

Reached Dubai International Airport around 1 a.m. The airport was still very busy. It took a while to clear the Immigration and baggage. We were transported to Millennium Hotel for one night transit.
Reached Dubai International Airport around 1 a.m. The airport was still very busy. It took a while to clear the Immigration and baggage. We were transported to Millennium Hotel for one night transit.

(Millennium Hotel Dubai)

We had enough time to rest. Our onward flight to Jeddah would be at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Friday, September 17, 2004
On a sacred path

We had heavy breakfast at the Hotel restaurant. A few of them chartered a taxi for a private tour around Dubai. Today being a Friday, all shops were practically closed. We decided to stay in the hotel and collected some brochures from the travel agent. Will have ample time to go round and shop during our stopover after the Umrah trip later.

Our flight from Dubai to Jeddah was at 5 p.m. Had to wait a while at Jeddah International Airport until Ustaz sorted out the transport for us. From Jeddah, we traveled by van to Madinah. We were lucky to travel at night. The weather outside was quite unbearable.

Reached Andalus Plaza Hotel around 2 a.m. Managed to get a few hours of sleep before the call of the first azan for subuh prayer could be heard from Masjid Nabawi.

(Masjid Nabawi Madinah)

Saturday, September 18, 2004
Gardens of Jannah

(Andalus Plaza Hotel)
(The courtyard of Masjid Nabawi)
(Our room in Madinah)

Had breakfast right after subuh prayer. The van was already waiting for us for the ziarah. We visited Jabal Uhud and Maqam Saidina Hamzah. Recited doa for the shuhada’. Did solat sunat at Mesjid-el-Quba’, the first mosque of the muslim and at Mesjid-el-Qiblatain, the mosque where the qiblat was changed from Baitul-Muqaddis to Kaabah. At the end of the ziarah stopped at ladang kurma and the tamar souk for a little shopping spree.

(Street vendors at Jabal Uhud)
(Masjid Quba')
(The young jemaah at Masjid Quba')
(Coffee break at Tamar Farm)

After the zuhur prayer promised the ladies to bring them to Maqam Rasulullah and the Raudhah. We were lucky as the crowd was less compared to in the morning. The ziarah to the sacred court of Rasulullah was indeed among the greatest blessings and fortunes for all Muslims. After doa at the Maqam, I took the opportunity to recite the salam from family and friends.

May Allah fill our hearts with the true love of Rasulullah, a love which will manifest itself in our practical life in the assertion and dominance of the Sunnah. Amin…

Rasulullah said, “Between my home and my Mimbar is a garden of the Gardens of Jannah."

Sunday, September 19, 2004
The state of ihram

(Masjid Bir Ali for miqat)

The group gathered in the morning to ziarah the Kubur Baqi’. The fenced-up area was the most sanctified graveyard of Madinah, where friends of Rasulullah and Ahlul Bayt were buried. Inside Baqi’, women's graves were marked by two headstones and men's by one stone. After the visit went to perform the ziarah wida’ to say goodbye to Rasulullah and solat sunat at the Raudhah.

(Masjid Nabawi after Subuh prayer)
(With Ustaz Husni at the mall near Baqi')

By 2.30 p.m. everyone was ready in their ihram to start the journey to Mekkah. Miqat at Bir Ali. Performed the solat sunat ihram and niat for the umrah. Ustaz lead the group to recite the talbiyah together.
Here I am at your service,
Oh Lord, here I am - here I am.
No partner do you have. Here I am.
Truly, the praise and the favor are yours,
And the dominion. No partner do you have.

2004 7th Umrah: Makkah al-Mukarramah

"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters, in the end..." - Ernest Hemingway

Makkah al-Mukarramah
(19 - 25 September 2004)
Hotel Farah, Mekah

Sunday, September 19, 2004
The state of ihram

By 2.30 p.m. everyone was ready in their ihram to start the journey to Mekkah. Miqat at Bir Ali. Performed the solat sunat ihram and niat for the umrah. Ustaz lead the group to recite the talbiyah together.

(Ready in our ihram for our first umrah)
(Our miqat in Bir Ali)

Here I am at your service,
Oh Lord, here I am - here I am. 
No partner do you have. 
Here I am.
Truly, the praise and the favor are yours,
And the dominion. 
No partner do you have.

It was quite a long journey. Need to stop for prayers and dinner along the way. Reached Hotel Farah, Mekkah around 9.30 p.m. After settling the rooms and baggage, went to Mesjid-el-Harram through Babul-Salam with the niat for ittikaf while constantly reciting the talbiyah. Performed the tawaf around the Kaabah and the sa’ee between Safa and Marwah. Completed our first umrah with the tahlul.


Monday, September 20, 2004
Tannaim - Wholeness with God

(Masjidil Haram Makkah)

While the rest of the group wanted to rest today, we took a van and paid 5 Rial each to go to Tannaim. Completed our umrah around 10 a.m.

Every time we completed the tawaf, we solat in front of the Multazam and recited our doa together. We prayed that Allah would grant us goodness in this world, and goodness in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire. We asked Allah, for beneficial knowledge and abundance in provision, and cure from every ailment.

(Performing the tawaf early in the morning)
(The Saei area is quite packed)

And in front of the Ka’abah we promised that we would love and care for each other forever. And we believed that this would be a place and time when our prayers would be heard and accepted.

True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally,
And none can dim its special glow
Or change its destiny.

(The Royal Palace at Jabal Kobis next to Masjidil Haram)
(Residential area on the rocky mountain)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Search of solitude

(Our miqat at Masjid Jame Jaaranah)

By 6.30 a.m. everyone was ready to go for ziarah to the religious and historic sites around Mekkah. And at the end of the ziarah we would be going to Ja’ranah for Miqat for those who want to perform the umrah. I was quite surprised and disappointed to see that none in our group want to perform the umrah today. Not even the Ustaz. They had actually rested whole day yesterday!We stopped at the foot of Jabal Thor and Mount Hira, which is sometimes called Jabal Nur. Mount Hira contained a cave that Prophet Muhammad would go to in search of solitude.

(Padang Arafah view from the top of the hill)
(Street vendors selling souvenirs at Jabal Rahmah)

Visited padang Arafah and Jabal Rahmah. Some of the ladies got a chance to ride the camel and had some photo shots. We passed Mudzalifah and did not stop at the three Jamraat at Mina as they were under construction. We solat sunat ihram and niat for our Umrah at Ja’ranah mosque. Completed our Umrah near noon.

Tonight we slept quite late. Earlier I was feeling very very sad…

(Jabal Thur viewed from below)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tannaim - Listen to my prayer

(Masjid Aisyah Tannaim)

We went to Tannaim for our 4th umrah. Today, in front of the ka’abah I was feeling very lonely and sad...

Thursday, September 23, 2004
Sumptuous massage

In the morning, we followed Ustaz and the rest of the group to Tannaim. Completed our 5th Umrah. After Asar, we were supposed to go to Hudaibiah but because of a miscommunication between Ustaz and the driver, the plan was cancelled. As we were already in ihram, we took another van to Tannaim. The rest took this opportunity to go shopping. Completed our 6th Umrah after isya’. Later, a session of soothing deep tissue massage helped relaxed our tired muscles. Tonight, though dead tired, we slept quite late feeling unperturbed and happy.

(Our miqat at Masjid Tannaim)
(Taking a stroll around Hilton area)
(Having KFC for brunch)

Friday, September 24, 2004
Hudaibiah - The peace treaty

(The border of Makkah and Hudaibiah)
(Our miqat at Masjid Hudaibiah)
(Masjid Hudaibiah with the Imam)

Rested well in the morning. Went to the mosque early. Lately, the air-conditioned area has been our favorite spot. At least we could sit and recite the Quran together without being disturbed by the Mosque’s officials. When it was near noon, the Mosque was packed with jemaah who came from all over Mekkah to perform the solat Jumaat.

After Asar every body gathered at the lobby. The journey to Hudaibiah was quite interesting. The driver stopped at a few historical places and narrated the history, in Arabic. We learned about the Treaty of Hudaibiah, between Muslims and the enemies. We understood the jeez of the story. Would not be surpised if some facts were lost during the impromptu translation.

(Visiting the camel farm)
(With Sarifah from Kg Pandan)
(The Camel Farm Hudaibiah)

Visited one of the camel farms. Some have the opportunity to drink fresh camel’s milk. We bought a bottle to taste later. Along the way, stopped at the Muzium but it was closed because of Friday. Visited the place where they made the tapestry for the kiswah for kaabah. Miqat at Hudaibiah Mosque, solat sunat ihram and niat. Completed our 7th umrah after Isya’.Thronged along with the crowd at the souk with nothing special in mind to buy. Need to start packing our things tonight.

(The Museum is closed on Friday)
(The Kiswah factory is also closed on Friday)

Saturday, September 25, 2004
Goodbye, we'll be back

(After zohor prayer and tawaf wida')

After breakfast, went to Tannaim to miqat for our last umrah for the season. Went for last minute shopping after completed our 8th Umrah. After zohor performed the tawaf wida to say goodbye. In front of the Kaabah we solat and doa together and Insya-Allah we will come back to this holy land again in two years time. And again in front of the Kaabah we exchanged our vows, we promised to each other that our love would remain true forever…

(The floating Mosque by the Red Sea)
(A photo shot with the ladies)

Because of some technical reasons, we started to Jeddah quite late. Almost lost our passports this time. Had time to stop for a short while at the Floating Mosque at the Red Sea for solat and some photos. The flight to Dubai was at 8.45 p.m. Reached Dubai around 1 a.m. The rest of the group took the next flight to KL.

For the next three days we are going to explore Dubai, one of the world’s most exotic destination.