About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

My Travel Journal

"There isn't much I haven't shared with you along the road and through it all there'd always be tomorrow's episode" - Elton John

I started traveling around the world since early 80s when I had the opportunity to combine business trips with vacations. Then later when my rezeki is in abundance, there were numerous other trips along the way for vacations, most of the time with hubby and the kids when the timing is right. I have also started to compile the journal and photo-pages covering almost more than 45 years of world wide travel. Some destinations I visited just once, others many times. Many of those places are the obvious famous places people would like to visit but some, the casual traveler doesn't even think to try. I have placed links to my travel at the side bar of my personal page, My Life Reflections, and will be updating them from time to time.

My wish is to continue my travel and complete circumnavigate the globe, insyaAllah…

Monday, 11 November 2002

Indonesia 2002: Unity in diversity inJakarta...

"It is unwise to be sure of one's own wisdom..." - Mahatma Gandhi

Jakarta, Indonesia
(11 - 13 November 2002)

Jakarta, has changed immeasurably since the days of the Portuguese arrival in 1522. Wide highways have replaced dusty bullock tracks. Skyscrapers have grown where thatched huts once stood. But beautiful examples of the old colonial architecture have been preserved, and in quiet residential neighbourhoods you can still see neat Dutch bungalows with their red-tiled roofs.

(Welcoming drink at the hotel)

Jakarta is home to over 10 million people, Jakarta is always bustling, from the sound of the wheel of government turning to the sight of the economy churning. Skyscrapers, single story residential houses, modern apartment complexes, survivalists shanties - all coexist in this city.

(Port of Tanjung Periok)

Jakarta, the capital, is the largest city. It is located on the north-western coast of the island of Java on Jakarta Bay, at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. Jakarta is also the centre of activities for the whole of Indonesia. There are more than 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia with over 200 languages being spoken. Half the total population are Javanese with the balance being made up largely of Sundanese in West Java, Javanese in Central and East Java, Madurese in East Java and Madura, Balinese, the Coastal Malays, Buginese, Makassarese, and Bataks. Being a big city, Jakarta's population is a composite of many racial strains, including Arab, Indian, Papuan, Dutch and Chinese. But the majority are of Malay origin.

(Getting around in Tuk-Tuk Cha)

It takes only a minute
to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone,
and a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime
to forget someone.

(Ready to check-out)

Thursday, 31 October 2002

Vietnam 2002: Ho Chi Minh - The heart and soul of Vietnam…

"It's never too late to start over, never too late to be happy..." - Jane Fonda

Sara and I joined the Puspanita trip to Ho Chi Minh City. We visited many interesting places including the Presidential palace, war museum, Cu Chi tunnel, Notre Dame Churth, Opera House and a day cruise the Mekong River and enjoying local fruits on one of the island.

(Sara and the Vietcongs)

'Ho Chi Minh City is a bustling, dynamic and industrious centre, the economic capital and the cultural trendsetter. The streets, where much of the city's life takes place, are a myriad of shops, stalls, stands-on-wheels and vendors selling wares from blankets on sidewalks. The traffic roars and fumes but within are the timeless traditions and beauty of an ancient culture.

(Mekong River cruise)

Central Ho Chi Minh City is the place to be on Sundays and holiday nights. The streets are jam-packed with young locals cruising the town on bicycles and motorbikes. The Municipal Theatre area is the hub for young hipsters. Entertainment ranges from disco and karaoke in the larger hotels, loud Western music in bars such as the Hard Rock Cafe, dancing at the Rex Hotel or experiencing traditional Vietnamese music at the Conservatory of Music. Most forms of entertainment can be found in downtown Ho Chi Minh City along Mac Thi Buoi Street.But there is a down-side to every city, and Ho Chi Minh's streets are filled to bursting with poverty and sadness…

(Cobras in the wine bottles)

Friday, 4 October 2002

Yemen 2002: Sana’a - One of the oldest city…

"Strength is when you have so much to cry for but you prefer to smile instead..."

(The market place at Sana'a Old City)

Sana'a, Yemen
(3 - 5 October 2002)

We were stranded in Sana’a for 3 days because of flight delay in Jeddah. There were 3 couples and our stay in Sana’a was made eventful and exciting with the help of the Hotel Manager who not only paid for our stay and meals in the hotel but also drove us around in his 4x4 jeep to visit interesting historical places. Syukran brother….

(The dining hall is on the top floor of our transit hotel)
(The hotel garden and waiting area)
(Ready to explore Sana'a city) 

This morning we visited The National Museum of Yemen in Sana'a. It was founded in 1971 in Dar al-Shukr (Palace of Gratefulness) which is one of the Yemeni Imam Palaces. It is located near Qubbat al-Mutawakkil Mosque dome in Al-Tahreer Square in the city center.

The museum contains artifacts of ancient Yemen collected from different archaeological sites. The National Museum consists of the four-story building and its room has been reserved for the presentation of rare artifacts and monuments. The exhibits include the artifacts of a Yemeni Imam, artifacts from Marib, ancient Kingdoms of Yemen, and artifacts from the Islamic States era.

(Visiting the National Museum of Yemen)
(Artifacts of the old era)

Next visit was to the Old City of Sana'a situated in a mountain valley at an altitude of 2,200 m. The Old City of Sana'a is defined by an extraordinary density of rammed earth and burnt brick towers rising several stories above stone-built ground floors, strikingly decorated with geometric patterns of fired bricks and white gypsum.

(The walled Old City of Sana'a)

The Old City of Sanaʽa is a recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Amanat Al Asimah Governorate, Yemen. The old fortified city has been inhabited for more than 2,500 years and contains many intact architectural sites. The oldest, partially standing architectural structure in the Old City of Sanaʽa is Ghumdan Palace. The city was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1986. Efforts are underway to preserve some of the oldest buildings some of which, such as the Samsarh and the Great Mosque of Sanaʽa, is more than 1,400 years old. Surrounded by ancient clay walls that stand 9 - 14 m high, the Old City contains more than 100 mosques, 12 hammams, and 6,500 houses. Many of the houses resemble ancient skyscrapers, reaching several stories high and topped with flat roofs. They are decorated with elaborate friezes and intricately carved frames and stained-glass windows.

(A walking tour in the old Medina)

In Sana'a you would be standing on an elevation of about 7000 ft above sea level. Surrounded by mountains of basalt, and situated in a relatively flat plain, Sana'a remained one of the major cities in Yemen throughout history. Tourists arriving in Sana'a aren't interested in seeing the development, and the change that has taken place in Sana'a much as they're interested in focusing their attention on the historic and ancient city of Sana'a.

(Standing on the highest view point of the old city)
(A bird's eye view of the Old City of Sana'a)

The Yemeni architecture is apparent not only in the old houses of historic Sana'a, but also in the new houses, and buildings which are still built today. Modern architecture in Yemen is still influenced by traditional architecture. The Yemeni architecture reflected the genius of the Yemeni people, and the variation in building styles from one region to another within Yemen attest to that fact.

Next we visited the Dar al-Hajar or "Rock Palace" of Imam Yahya of Yemen. It is a former royal palace located in Wadi Dhar about 15 km from Sanaa. Built in 1920 as the summer retreat of Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, Imam of Yemen from 1904 to 1948, it sits on top of a structure built in 1786 for the scholar al-Imam Mansour. The royal family resided in the palace until the North Yemen civil war. The palace is now a museum.

(Dar al-Hajar - the residence of Imam Yahya in Wadi Dhar)
(The Palace of the notorious Imam Yahaya)
(The beautiful garden of Dar al-Hajar)
(Inside Dar al-Hajar)

In the afternoon, the Manager of our transit hotel invited us to a Yemeni Wedding where we witnessed a unique local traditional wedding. Wedding traditions celebrations in Yemen commence with a series of intricate rituals that symbolize the cultural richness and depth of the occasion.

(Attending a Yemeni wedding)
(Guests were seated in a tent)
(A dance with weapons at the wedding)

On the last day in Sana'a, we witnessed at close range a peaceful major demonstration. There were a lot of media coverage from all over the world.
(A peaceful demonstration in Sana'a)


I gaze across the desert sands
Which wend their way
to the edge of the sky
This land of nothingness
so vast and empty
Reflects the chambers
of my heart so dry…

Tuesday, 10 September 2002

2002 6th Umrah: Madinah/Makkah

"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder..." - Rumi

Madinah/Makkah, Saudi Arabia
(20 September- 3 October 2002)

This year we joined a group of six for our 6th Umrah trip. The other two couples were from Perak and Kuala Terengganu. The Yemenia Airways flight flew via Sana'a in Yemen then to Jeddah.

Madinah Al-Munawwarah

(Masjid Nabawi at night)
(Joining others for the tour of Madinah)
(First mosque erected by Rasulullah after the hijrah)
(The hill of the Archers, a painful lesson on military discipline)
(The crowd at the Shuhada' cemetery)
(Masjid Qiblatain, initially Baitul Muqaddis the Makkatul Mukarramah)
(After Isya' prayers)
(Dua' and Salam Wida to Rasulullah)
(Being in ihram in front of Masjid Al-Nabawi)
(Good bye holy city of Madinah)
(Miqat at Bir Ali)
(Travelling to Makkah at night)

Makkah Al-Mukarramah

(Views of Masjidil Haram)
(Completed our first umrah)
(Ziarah Makkah - Jabal Thur)
(Shopping at the road side stalls)
(Greener Padang Arafah)
(View from Jabal Rahmah)
(Climbing to the summit of Jabal Rahmah)
(The crowd at the summit of Jabal Ramah)
(Visiting Jabal Al-Rahmah and reciting dua')
(Riding on the camel at Jabal Rahmah)
(One of the Jamra'at - Sughro)
(Visiting another Jamra'at - Wusto)
(The biggest Jamra'at - Kubro)
(Miqat at Masjid Aishah in Tannaim)
(Solat sunat ihram and niat)
(The tall minaret of Masjid Aishah)
(Building around Masjidil Haram)
(Our last day in Makkah)
(Getting ready to go to the airport)
(Our hotel room in Makkah)


(Some of the sculptures in Jeddah)
(A popular shopping mall in Jeddah)
(Buying souvenirs)
(MasjidAl-Rahmah inJeddah)
(The floating Mosque)
(Performing our solat jamak Zohor/Asar)
(Wide corridor facing the Red Sea)
(The Floating Mosque)
(A good resting place before departure)
(Located on the banks of the Red Sea)
(A group photo at Floating Mosque by the Red Sea)
(Yemen Air was delayed, stuck in Jeddah)
(Dinner before boarding)
(Still feeling jovial)
(We missed our connecting flight in Sana'a)