Sunday, 6 November 2022

2022 15th Umrah: 01 Madinah al- Munawwarah

“Identity is a prison you can never escape, but the way to redeem your past is not to run from it, but to try to understand it.” - Jay-Z

(Watching the sunset from Masjid Nabawi rooftop)

Madinah al-Munawwarah
Hotel Durrat Al-Eiman
(26 - 31 October 2022)

This year's Umrah trip we joined the Juara Travel group to perform our Umrah. We spent a total of 10 days in Madinah, Makkah and a day visit to Taif. This is our 15th Umrah trip. We used to travel with Juara Travel for our family umrah trips.

(The beginning of the holy trip)
(With Farah, Ubai and Wan Aina)
(A full moon at Masjid Nabawi)
(The huge umbrellas fully opened)
(A large crowd visiting maqam Rasulullah at night)
(Attractions around the mosque)
(Scorching heat at Jabal Uhud)
(A group photo at Jabal Uhud)
(In  our ihram at Madinah Train Station)
(Haramain High Speed train)

2022: 15th Umrah: 02 Makkah al- Mukarramah

“Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths...” - Drew Barrymore

(View of Mataf area from the upper level)

Makkah al-Mukarramah
Al-Safwah Hotel
(1 - 6 November 2022)

(Completed our first umrah, Alhamdulillah)
(Taking the bus to Tannaim for miqat)
(Performing the tawaf on upper level)
(Jabal Rahmah enroute to Jaaranah)

                  2022 15th Umrah - 03 Taif Day Trip👉

Saturday, 5 November 2022

2022 15th Umrah: 03 Taif Day Trip

“Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s not the end of the world, and in many ways, it’s the first step toward learning something and getting better at it...” - Jon Hamm

(Abdullah Ibni Abbas Gate, Taif)

Today we had a day tour to Taif. Taif is about 90 km from Makkah. The journey by bus took us about more than an hour via Makkah Al-Taeef Route15 Highway. The weather was sunny and the sky was clear blue. We arrived Taif early. Our first visit was Abdullah Ibni Abbas Mosque for Dhuha prayers.

(The town of Taif)
(Abdullah Ibni Abbas Mosque in Taif)

Next visit was to the historical As-Shareef Museum, located in southern Taif. The museum features various artifacts and a marketplace to showcase Taif’s traditional craftsmanship.

(Al-Shariff Museum, Taif)
(Artifacts and antique cars)
(Hand-written Quran in the museum)

Other tourist attractions visited were the Rasheed al-Quraish Rose Refinery, Souvenir shops and the Fruit Market before we leave for Qarnul Manazil to miqat for our 5th Umrah.

(Rasheed Al-Quraish Rose Refinery)
(Taif Fruit Market)
(Miqat at Qarnul Manazil As-Sail Al-Kabeer Mosque)