Sunday, 24 November 2013

Thailand 2013: Betong V

"Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life..."

(A bright sunny day for a good ride)
(Taking the Kuala Kangsar Exit)
(Rest area and chalets at Tasik Raban)
(Nice scenery along the way)
(Riding at a safe distance)
(Refueling at Pengkalan Hulu)
(Immigration and custom clearance)
(Staying a night at Merlin Hotel)
(Indulging in foot massage at night)
(Getting ready to ride back)
(Having breakfast at Pengkalan Hulu)
(Riding in safe formation)
(On the bridge crossing Tasik Raban)
(Riding into the Manora Tunnel)
(The light at the end of the tunnel)

Route taken: KL - Pengkalan Hulu - Betong - KL
Total mileage: 900 km
Bikers gang: Mus/Mun, Munawar/Rose, Aman/Rohayah, Hayami/Siti, Kong/Wife, Shawal, Taufik, Zali, Rozlan, Nawi and 4 others